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Watch the ‘Story Narrative - As Rick Liberty Sees It’ -Teaser Video for The Adventures of Rick Liberty.
The World is in Decline… Fewer and fewer “elites” control the world and futures of many people. Among those “elites” are Puppets to the Seven Princes of Hell… to The Devil. The Puppets do Hell’s bidding - to erode and destroy people’s lives.
The Seven Princes of Hell are about to unleash Hell on Earth. One man stands between The Devil Bael and Opening the Gates to Hell. That man is – Rick Liberty!
But – Rick Liberty – is a Persona – created by a man locked away in a psychiatric ward for the criminally insane.
Rick recounts his tale in hopes of securing his freedom and ability to resume his Mission Quest for God.
72.5 Hours of Original Content!
Created over seven years by a neuro-degenerating man.
A dream to inspire people to be the best they can be and live a righteous and moral life.
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Learn about the divine role of The Fulcrum, of how the balance of Good & Evil and the ultimate destiny of humankind rests on the shoulders of the celestial empowered newborn Richard.
See the schism of reality between the world Richard sees and the world his psychiatrists see. Learn about the Cast of primary characters – the Doctors and Richard’s allies…
Hear the struggles and challenges of the real Richard Seaborne just living life, especially his difficulty in the creation of the Hell Difficulty Saga, Adventures of Rick Liberty, The Liberty Zone, The Tech Zone, and AI Demystified – in conceiving, writing stories & AI Render Prompts, recording & editing, integrating it all into videos, and publishing them… spanning over seven years (so far).
Recognize your role as the reader, listener, and watcher… …to evangelize and spread the word – of whatever you have gleaned and learned from these books, videos, and podcasts.
Richard recounts how he came to realize he was suffering mental and physical decline, and his consequential struggles.
Learn about Emotional Lability and Pseudo Bulbar Affect (PBA) – Emotional Epilepsy – through the lens of a degenerating man.
Hear how perception, anxiety, and emotional “weakness” create a trifecta of compromised functionality.
Understand the challenges of chronic pain, brain fog, and reduced awareness, comprehension, and perception.
Recognize the internal fight to simply Remember…
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Stories are Remembered Long After the Facts Are Forgotten”, Richard explains, is about making “reality” more interesting and engaging – as colorful stories with deep texture… …and where Fact and Fiction are blurred together.
Richard reveals his “Storied Reality” – a way to make his dreams and fantastical adventures possible – and make sense. But - he “Presents Well”, masking his significant mental decline and diminishing sanity – thereby making doctors dismissive.
Dark thoughts rise from being “disregarded” and his suffering ignored. Richard has steadily lost hope and confidence.
Richard now questions his purpose and value in life.
What happens when someone experiences a “Nuke and Pave” event – like losing their cognition, perception, or emotional control?
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Learn about the Primary Cast of Characters found within the Adventures of Rick Liberty and the Hell Difficulty Saga.
Discover the backgrounds of the Psychiatrist Doctors that oversee Richard’s “Recovery” following his being committed to a mental hospital for the criminally insane.
See the initial team that joins Richard on his Adventures.
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Richard reflects on being motivated to escape early childhood challenges, loss, and family deaths. He recounts his descent into neurodegeneration – but questions the Psychiatrists’ diagnoses and judgment of him.
The incarcerated Richard recounts the events that landed him in the psychiatric prison for the criminally insane. Richard rejects the diagnosis that he is experiencing a psychological schism of reality between the world Richard sees and the world his psychiatrists see.
There is only one way for Richard to be free of his imprisonment in the Ward, as the captive to his Psychiatrist Warden – Doctor Caselli. Richard must accept all psychiatrist advice, comply with all of their directives, and behave appropriately and manage all emotions to control messages and prevent outbursts, psychological decompensation, or mental divergent episodes.
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(CENSORED on YouTube!)
The Doctors decree there “is much to unpack” for Richard… …requiring MANY psychiatric sessions ongoing.
The Psychiatrists pile on more and more “trumped up” diagnoses of mental disorders – Richard concludes.
Richard is told that whether he suffers Neurological or Psychological issues – the behavior and results are the same. However - one is treatable, whereas the other is an inevitable outcome.
Ultimately – The Doctors judge Richard as severely compromise and troubled despite Richard’s belief otherwise.
Richard defends himself as recounts the tale of how he ended up in a psychiatric prison for the criminally insane.
He explains how “The System” is broken and designed to encourage people to admit “guilt” even if innocent – to save money, their livelihoods, and protect their reputation as much as possible.
The Doctors decree Richard has a history of unstable and criminal activity.
Richard is directed to “re-live his life’s journey” with the psychiatrists - through telling his stories and recounting his memories.
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Hear why Richard sees his “Life’s Difficulty set to: Hell Difficulty”.
Discover two computer video games – Ultima and Diablo - that greatly influenced Richard’s “values” and reinforced his integrity.
The Doctors observe Richard’s intent to “Do Good” is severely contrasted by his “Murdering a Man".
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“Bottled Memories” is Richard’s coping technique – to suppress and control troubling feelings and emotions.
Left unresolved – buried deep in the subconscious – the Doctors believe un-lanced – they will remain unhealed – and eventually erupt in tragic negative behavioral consequence.
Given a tablet – Richard is asked to write down his memories – to aid – ongoing psychiatric sessions.
Richard concludes the Psych Prison is an Orwellian dystopian nightmare without privacy or freedom – and what you say will be used against you.
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Richard aspires to end his days basked in Glowing Divine aura as he stands in judgment at the Pearly Gates of Heaven – like Diablo’s Glowing character background backdrop reward for defeating the devil on the game’s highest difficulty setting - “Hell Difficulty.”
The head psychiatrist is “the gravitas” – the center and controller of everything.
Richard’s future depended on the individual judgment of the lead doctor.
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Baby and Toddler Richard proves innate unrelenting perseverance towards a goal or purpose despite hardships.
“My name is “Rishie”, as said by Toddler Richard – with a lisp.
Toddler Richard shows natural borne traits of chivalry, sacrifice, and protecting of others.
Being small and vulnerable as a Child and as a frail declining Senior is contrasted and shown to be similar.
See tiny vulnerable Richard fall ill and nearly die – unrecognized by his own mother.
Toddler Richard is denied opportunity to play with a toy marionette – while siblings play freely with it.
Deep within Mexico - Toddler Richard suffers discrimination because he was a “gringo” – a white boy.
His mother leaves him under care of a Mexican woman living in dive housing “in the hood” of Mexico.
Abandoned Toddler Richard must contend with emotional trauma, fear, and abuse by others.
Living in a car for extended periods at a time – Young Richard learned to store prized possessions inside the car – out of sight – and away from the sun’s heat.
One day – Richard leaves one of his few and most prized toys on the dashboard forgetfully… …and the toy melts, is destroyed.
Richard’s loss is dismissed as irrelevant – whereas the damage to the car’s dashboard WAS A SERIOUS PROBLEM!
Without “purchased toys” – Richard learns to use his imagination to create toys – out of rocks, clothesline pins, …
The psychiatrists learn of Richard’s perfect 50-50 split of Left-Right Brain dominance…a theoretical impossibility.
Food and shelter were unreliable and unpredictable for Richard, with his mother frequently moving and never establishing roots or a foundation to build from.
Richard develops coping skills and tools – very early in life – to overcome severe adversity, fear, and anxiety.
“Richard’s World” is imagined – as a “safe place” for Richard to withdraw into… …to re-group and return unrelenting.
“I Must Be Great” concludes Richard, deciding he must always be Good, Just, Righteous, and – NEVER LOOK BACK.
He realizes the past can hurt you, so its true value is KNOWLEDGE; its value is not EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE.
The Psychiatrists assert - compartmentalizing past, present, and future – can be harmful and mentally deleterious.
The Doctors further assert – Richard’s multitude of described challenges and traumatic events – all explain how he ended up committing crimes – and being committed to a psychiatric institution.
Richard decides he should not disclose any of his thoughts outside of those directly asked of him.
The Psychiatrists continue to pile on more mental health negative diagnoses on Richard – Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD), schizophrenia, bipolar, and savant with emotional lability and Pseudo Bulbar Affect (PBA).
The Doctors question Richard’s explanation of how he became unemployed and obtained money to fund his misadventures,
Living alone for some time – with Richard’s wife on a long-term remote work assignment in Europe – he is lonely – and falls prey to memories of dead and lost people and pets and loved ones.
Uncharacteristically – Richard “takes a mental health” day and does not go into work… …instead, he takes a road trip into Rural Washington State.
Standing up for a waitress who was victim of a “dine and dash” crime – where the patron was leaving without paying the bill… …resulted in Richard being trounced and knocked unconscious to the floor.
Having been beaten badly in a rural café – Richard is hospitalized.
The café waitress – Katie Snowette - that Richard stood up for – visits him in the hospital – and expresses appreciation.
Deputy Taylor – overseeing the local crime investigation – asks Richard questions about the incident.
Richard envisions how nice it would be – to have Katie and the Deputy as friends.
Lesson learned – a “mental health day” is like playing hooky… …it’s derelict - and Karma hits back hard!
Richard receives a Last Will & Testament Reading invitation in the mail. The Reading was near Midnight on Leap Day.
Questioning the voracity of the Will – Richard researches on the Internet about the deceased – an Aunt Zaira Millmore… …and learns she is.
Richard planned to contact the Law Firm of Midnight & Associates – listed as the managers of the Will – though they were based in Ireland.
Dreams of supernatural things and visions overwhelm Richard as he drifts to sleep.
Richard speaks with the Midnight & Associates law firm – that is handling Zaira Millmore’s Last Will & Testament.
They inform Richard of unorthodox stipulations required of Richard to qualify to receive the $250 BILLION DOLLAR inheritance from his now deceased Great-Great “Aunt” Zaira Millmore.
The Firm offers to pay for Richard and Companions to travel to Athlone, Ireland – where the Will Reading will happen – on Leap Day near Midnight.
Richard decides - $250 BILLION DOLLARS is worth a lot more – than his current job. He resigns to pursue his inheritance.
Richard’s car breaks fail, and his house explodes, turning his life and world upside down. He no longer had any roots or reason to remain in Washington State. He no longer had a job or a home – and his car was “dead”.
Deputy Taylor and Richard narrowly escape being killed by the exploding house.
Richard is hospitalized – again.
Richard negotiates terms to hire Waitress Katie Snowette “as the Empath”.
He negotiates a deal with Deputy Andrea Taylor to join the team as “The Bodyguard”.
He convinces his work buddy, Human Resources HR Bob Woods Sanchez, to take a leave of absence – and join the Party of Adventurers – as friend, ally, and pragmatist.
Young Richard tells tales of his living on-the-go, even sleeping in dresser drawers as a baby and toddler.
He details when his home – the car – burned to a useless husk – destroying what little foundation and things he had.
Richard explains how his mother struggled to earn money, and how they suffered landlord abuse and how the kids had to cut the lawn with scissors to appease the landlord.
Learn how Young Richard used a soldering iron, wire strippers & snippers, and wire to craft wire dinosaur toys to play with – and to submit for an arts creativity contest.
Richard bemoans Participation Based Rewards (PBRs) – they undermine hard work and innovation! If everyone is a winner – no one is…
Hear the tale of the Mob running a money laundering front in a Cheese Factory.
Young Richard talks of his second-hand life, and eating food infused – unintentionally – with bugs.
Young Richard suffers unrecognized several Chicken Pox.
He is declared retarded in Second Grade.
Toothpicks and glass shards impale Young Richard – with abusive no-anesthesia surgery being held down by nurses as doctor cut and stitched.
Richard embraces that he may always be an Outcast.
“That is Not For Me” mantra is adopted by Richard.
Young Richard finds himself abandoned in a park, but finds help with a creepy police officer.
In a freak of nature, Richard is engulfed and surrounded by thousands of bees… in the ‘eye of the bee storm’.
Emotions are raging as Richard’s mother is raped.
In another misadventure, young Richard flies into a tree swinging on a rope over a dried rocky pond.
Ultimately – Young Richard concludes that safety and the future rests entirely on him.
Young Richard endures a multitude of challenges to his physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.
Disasters befall Richard’s childhood at every turn…
He is electrified by a Horse-Cattle Livestock Electric Fence. His skull is cracked from a falling 2x4 Barn Plank. His face catches fire and burns! He is nearly struck by lightning.
He endures child labor exploitation – and is not even paid for it.
Richard’s youth was crafted in Hellfire – being filled with abuse and people taking advantage of him – even his own mother.
Richard seeks out and hires his Party of Adventurers to join him on his pursuit of his inheritance.
Generous compensation offers and incentives inspire Deputy Taylor and Katie Snowette to join Richard on his trek to Athlone, Ireland.
Richard learns that Katie has experienced similar nightmares that he has had of late, forging an eerie connection between them.
Deputy Taylor discloses her dissatisfaction as a rural police officer and misses being in the military, but she won’t return after refusing the mandated vaccine. She gladly hopes to join Richard for the chance at real adventure.
Grumpy HR Bob agrees to join Richard’s mission to reclaim his inheritance in Athlone, Ireland – after his due diligence and formalizing a contract with Richard.
Richard’s wife Katherine and daughter Amanda sign on as remote team members – to do research, finance management, and even join Richard as needed.
The team now includes Deputy Taylor, Katie Snowette, HR Bob, and Richard.
The Adventure – or Misadventure – begins… with the Party of Adventurers…
Richard and the team make arrangement and travel from Seattle, Washington USA to Athlone, Ireland.
The world they left transforms into a scary Transylvanian vibe old world town and countryside, with eerie people, places, and …eerie everything.
Katie is bitten by a flower and loses consciousness from her rose bite. When she awakes – a scar had already formed on her hand.
The team recovers and prepares for the next day – staying in a hotel called “The Gambit”.
An unexpected mysterious driver picks the team up from their hotel, and delivers them to tourist destination Castle Athlone.
Richard and the Party of Adventurers investigate the eerily empty castle and museum – no one was present anywhere.
A tall gaunt “priest”, below Castle Athlone, explains the history of the castle.
And – the “priest” gives “Lessons in Demonology” and discloses details about the Devil’s Cult of Bael and the Seven Princes of Hell serving the most powerful of the Princes of Hell – the First Prince of Hell… they serve Prince of Hell Bael - AKA Satan, Lucifer, the Big D… THE DEVIL.
The team – excluding Katie - incredulously reacts to being promised to see “proof that heaven and hell exist”.
Richard learns that his Aunt Millmore headed the Cult of Bael – AND – simultaneously headed the Knights Templar Illuminati – waging war against each other. She accumulated great wealth – working both sides of the Good & Evil “Chessboard”.
Richard – appearing “in the equation” – is seen as a threat to the Cult of Bael.
The Cult of Bael declares that Richard must die – because he is a Millmore descendent… and, therefore, is a threat.
The Knights Templar Illuminati still exist – despite being driven underground into hiding by the Monarchies and Church after political disfavor.
The remaining members of Knights Templar operate in a secret headquarters in the catacombs beneath Castle Athlone, where they store ancient religious and both unholy and holy relics.
Richard learns of the “Divine Prophecy of The Fulcrum” - and that he may be “The Fulcrum”.
As the Fulcrum – Richard is told that celestial energy courses through him – which activates and empowers celestial objects and weapons.
Approaching midnight – the team assembles at Aunt Millmore’s Last Will & Testament Reading.
Richard and the team “see proof that heaven and hell exists” …
The team all “become believers” in God and Heaven…and in Hell.
Everyone concludes that Richard is “The Fulcrum” of Leap Day Celestial Power Prophecy.
The Devil’s Tapestry of Bael is revealed as being able to rip a hole between the Hell and Mortal planes of existence – thereby unleashing Hell on Earth.
The determination of the Cult of Bael to hunt and kill Richard is confirmed. They want Richard “gone”.
The Knights Templar – behind the business “Front” of the Law Firm of Midnight & Associates – operating beneath Castle Athlone’s public museum – offers haven and support to Richard in reclaiming his inheritance from the Cult of Bael.
The team names themselves “Paladin and The Crusaders”.
The panel of psychiatrists – led by Doctor Caselli – question the voracity of Richard’s fantastical tale of Athlone and the Knights Templar.
Doctor Caselli challenges Richard’s “facts”, including how he funded his misadventures.
Richard recounts his experience with Bill the Racer – or sometimes called Bill the Mechanic.
Richard was left alone, unsupervised, as a latch-key child. He is beaten with a car fan belt.
He experiences some mishaps and accidents… …and is led by a floating spirit down the road.
Ghosts accost him at night.
Young Richard is injured – stepping on a toothpick – and suffers surgery without anesthesia to remove its broken pieces from inside his foot.
With so much negativity in life and being poor – Richard doubts even the existence of Santa Claus. He proves there is no Santa Claus…
Richard tells of his numerous experiences trying to attend Church – and how they consistently sought to manipulate or control him.
He went to churches big and small – to different denominations… but they – one and all – demanded compliance in exchange for cookies, pizza, or girls.
Out of resentment and belief in himself – Richard becomes an Ordained Minister – with the Universal Life Church.
Richard officially becomes “The Doctor Reverend Richard Seaborne”.
The team struggles with all they had witness – that Heaven, Hell, God, and the Devil…all exist. They are real.
Bob provides plausible doubt – technology and gaslighting explanations for all they had seen.
Ultimately the team embraces – Heaven and Hell were real. God and the Devil were real.
And – the Cult of Bael wants them dead.
The team decides they need to have a deeper review of things to better understand the Cult of Bael.
The team must prioritize their attack on its apparent 2,500+ sites of evil across the world.
They decide they need a Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) board to aid their visualization and interaction as a team.
Richard and the crew head off to a local shop called The Wizards of Craft, where they hope to secure Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) board materials and supplies.
The shop sells key ring fobs that sported “The Roses of Ambivalence” labels.
The team realizes that right where they were in Athlone – were two cultist targets!
Richard recounts the tale of his being kidnapped at six months old by his father.
He tells how his father sought to frame his mother – as a drug addict and unfit mother.
Learn how Richard’s mother was emotionally undeveloped and vulnerable to men.
Hear stories of a few events from Silver’s wanton violence and disregard for law and authority.
See how Richard’s mother and his father ultimately parted ways…
Richard tells the tale of his mother’s sister, Sky Knight. And how her lack of morality destroyed her marriage, her husband, and her children – for their entire lives.
He tells his disheartening experience seeing his mother and others cry and lament in a social program called Parents Without Partners (PWP).
Richard recounts the tragedy of his stepsister and step-father – crushed by the alleged Child Protection Services (CPS) and Foster Care homes.
Horrific background of Richard’s eldest sister Cynthia is revealed…
Cynthia was molested and filmed by a pedophile – and forced to testify in court against the wicked man.
Emotionally broken – she runs astray with numerous criminal activities and run-ins with The Law.
Tragedy hits Cynthia hard – with her brain stopping from a drug overdose – and being declared clinically dead.
Somehow – Cynthia regains life. But – forever more – she would see and speak with God – and rose bushes.
Learn the background of Richard’s Grampa Joe… Learn how his grandfather had a wild ride himself – as son of first generation immigrants.
Joe inherited a Castle in Ireland – but it was usurped by his selfish sister who lived in Ireland.
Grampa Joe starts a Dude Ranch business in Oracle, Arizona… where the Mars Biosphere simulation was eventually built – on what was his ranch.
Hear the tragic “end” of Joe… as he was baptized once again – in his elderly age… within the frigid waters of Lake Tahoe.
The team decides it is safer to be together – than to operate separately. There is safety in numbers…
They head off to dinner at one of the Cult Targets – a Pub called The Hanging Albatross.
Eerie and mysterious things keep happening around the team…
They are spooked and alarmed by stone gargoyles and imps.
They scope out the Hanging Albatross…
To their dismay – they encounter the Blazing Taxis driver – and learn he is a member of the Knights Templar.
The team cases the Hanging Albatross Old World Tavern Pub to assess how they can and should engage with the owners to claim Richard’s inheritance.
Of course - more eerie, creepy things keep happening…
The team finalizes their plans and sets out to infiltrate the Hanging Albatross Pub and Scary Little Things curio shop…
They discover more clues and mysteries to unravel…
All hell breaks loose as the team’s believed to be “successful” caper proves to be detected…
Cloaked figures with guns are everywhere, presumed to be cultists in the Cult of Bae. They search for the trespassers. They search for the team.
Richard and the team must find a way out of the mess they put themselves in…
Having derived a plan to escape the grave situation of be encircled by armed cultists, the team is set to make it happen!
The team begins ‘Operation: Shove, Slam, Drop, and Run Like Hell…”
Richard and the team debrief over what they had just gone through – with the Cult of Bael, the Hanging Albatross, and Scary Little Things.
They debate over what is “murder” and what can and cannot be justified… in the eyes of man and in the eyes of God.
Fearful of potential cultist retaliation, the team holds up together for the night.
Richard meets with the intimidating and dominating owner of the Hanging Albatross and Scary Little Things – a man named Brocko McDeema. Richard hopes to amicably collect his inheritance from Brocko…
Emotions run high during their interaction…
Pub Owner Brocko expresses interest in Richard’s family lineage, seeking to validate Richard’s claim to be a descendent of Zaira Millmore.
Richard concludes he must find another way to convince Brocko to work with them and hand over Richard’s inheritance.
The team stays in the same hotel room and orders room service to further avoid exposure to the Cult of Bael or anyone that may be watching them.
Nightmares ensue – as they inexplicably fall asleep and find themselves in a druidic cave of human sacrifice…
The team witnesses a woman drained of her life force and soul. Her soul was transferred into a celestial ‘battery’ in the form of a runed strip of cloth.
Everyone was shackled and lined up to be sacrificed one after another…
They fretted – how were they going to get out of this deathly situation?
Taylor explains how she was able to single-handedly save the team from certain death at the hands of the Cult of Bael.
The team is recognized as honorary members of the Knights Templar Illuminati.
As members of the Knights Templar – the team would have access to weapons and caches worldwide.
Free and resourced… is not enough.
Brocko McDeema has Richard’s Celestial Flaming Dagger of Choice and Destiny… they must reclaim it!
Richard recounts key moments he had with his daughters.
He shares how ‘The Divine Debate’ between God and the Devil in his game Escape from Hell declared that it only takes a single spark to ignite a fire that can shine as a bright light forever in faith and truth. And – that ‘light’ can be the spark for others… making humanity and the world better.
Richard sees his time with his daughters are like those ‘sparks’; they keep his soul’s fire lit and shining. They give him strength to persevere.
Richard laments how California Law emphasized lack of paternal rights.
He expresses sorrow over his related financial ruin, struggles to survive divorce, finding a new job, and caring for his children.
Richard’s daughter Brooke exhibits histrionic dramatic episodes – frequently.
She deceives, steals, and parties…
She refuses to attend school despite asserting that she “did go to school”.
Brooke adopts “scripts that work” to manipulate law enforcement, psychologists, and counsellors.
She runs rogue and becomes a drug mule…
Brooke is out of control!
Richard muses how Brooke seemed to be trained to be co-dependent.
He muses his daughters were taught to deceive to avoid conflict. They were taught situational ethics – that they should decide what was “good” in the moment – rather than have a universal moral compass.
Helicopter parenting seems to have backfired.
Brooke is sent to Open Sky Wilderness Recovery and Rehabilitation Camp to detox and ‘get clean.’
Brooke’s drama resumes once more…
Like a broken record – Brooke lies and steals and manipulates everyone she encounters.
From homeless shelters to flops with friends to more rehab programs… …Brooke keeps running from recovery…
The team revises their group name to “The Crusaders of the Knights Templar” or simply “The Crusaders”.
They gear up, arm up, and armor up… And they practice!
The team gets proficient with pistols, rifles, grenades, explosives, and gadgets… all in and out of body armor.
The team is readying to take the fight to the Cult of Bael!
Learn how the Celestial Flaming Dagger of Choice and Destiny spans planes.
Discover how dark matter and celestial energy and relics are intertwined.
Hear how the planes of existence overlap each other – in the same space but in parallel dimensions…
Hear how Hell, Heaven, Limbo, and the Mortal Planes are constantly expanding and growing to accommodate ever-increasing populations and corresponding deaths and souls.
Learn how the byproduct of spiritual activity is a celestial energy – known abstractly as Dark Matter, because it cannot be seen or touched.
The devil’s Cult of Bael uses Dark Matter to drain souls and store them in cursed runed cloth called Strips of Bael.
Those Strips of Bael are sewn into the Tapestry of Bael, which the Cult plans to use to open a portal to Hell and unleash Hell on Earth.
Richard and the team scope out the Church of Midnight to learn all they can about its operations and people.
They adopt what they consider a low-risk plan to get inside the Church.
The Knights Templar assigns new Knights Templar names and provides corresponding Passports, Credit Cards, and Identification.
Rick Liberty - Richard Seaborne (AKA The Fulcrum)
Katie Devine - Katie Snowette
Taylor Everest - Deputy Andrea Taylor
Bob Cervantes - Bob Sanchez
The team initiates ‘Operation: Soup Kitchen’…
Their mission: to penetrate the Church of Midnight and Find High Priest Nicodemus!
Homeless scream “Heed the Words!”
The team disguises themselves with robes and cowls.
Richard finds a secret passage into an underground labyrinth of chambers.
Taylor and Richard descend into the darkness…
Richard and Taylor find a Cult of Bael Manifesto and Ritual Book.
They find human trafficking and drug-controlled people locked away down in the dungeons beneath the church.
Deeper yet they descend, into the darkness of the Church of Midnight…
Taylor and Richard find High Priest Nicodemus!
Dramatic events ensue in the confrontation of Nicodemus for his role in the devil’s Cult of Bael…
Richard resolves that they are justified in fighting fire with fire… even if it seems wrong at times.
The team returns to The Hanging Albatross – to break in and take what is rightfully Richard’s inheritance.
More eerie scary things happen as they set out to execute their heist of the Albatross.
The team gets inside the Hanging Albatross’ Executive Management offices; they get into Brocko McDeema’s office!
They search for cash, clues, and anything of value or interest…
Things are not as easy leaving the Hanging Albatross as it was to get in.
Death ensues as the team fights to escape their otherwise imminent doom…
More conflict and terror…
The team had looted the Albatross and now were looting the Scary Little Things curio shop.
Through the Curio Shop, the team escaped…
They had secured the location of the Celestial Flaming Dagger of Choice and Destiny from Brocko’s office; it was in Prague.
The Psychiatrists assess Richard’s story finale of becoming Rick Liberty – from America to Athlone…
The doctors delight in the wonderful story but condemn its fiction and madness.
They question if Richard’s ‘Party of Adventurers’ are schizophrenic multiple personalities as opposed to being real people that ever even existed.
Richard is dismissed for a long weekend, as the doctors would all be taking some additional time off.
Adventures of Rick Liberty & Hell Difficulty Saga
Texas, United States
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